In the Apply settings section, select when call forwarding should be active.Simultaneously ring: Calls will ring on your office phone and your smart phone.Forward calls: Forward calls to voicemail or your cell phone.Disable call forwarding: No call forwarding.Tap Call forwarding then configure call forwarding as required:.Enter your cell phone number using the international format (e.g.User Name*: may need to tap Advanced Options to access the User Name field.Sign-in Address: Password: UCT password.
Open your app store, find and install the Skype for Business app. Never miss a call: The app shows you any calls you may have missed, and also gives you direct access to your voicemail. You can then communicate with them - either individually or in a group - via voice calls, instant messaging, email or even video calls. Contact colleagues easily: Sync your UCT contacts to the Skype for Business app, giving you quick access to all your work-related colleagues. You won't need to use international roaming or pay hefty bills because these calls will be charged at local rates (i.e. Stay in touch when travelling: If you're travelling (whether locally or abroad), family and colleagues can dial your UCT office number and the call will be routed to you - wherever you are in the world. Charges apply: If you don't have access to eduroam or free WiFi, you'll need to use mobile data - incurring your service provider's data rates - not their call rates. If you're travelling and need to phone a colleague back here at UCT, those calls will also be free as long as you're using your Skype for Business app and phoning from a local or international university that uses eduroam. Free calls on eduroam: If you're on eduroam at UCT, calls won't cost you a cent. Cost of calls: If your IP phone is offline due to power cuts, simply use the Skype for Business app to dial another UCT staff member's extension. For all earlier operating systems, use the Microsoft Lync Mobile app.
The Skype for Business mobile app is available for Android 4.0 or higher, iOS 8.0 or higher and Windows Phone 8.1 or higher. This means that you can continue to make and receive voice calls, send instant messages and emails, and even participate in video calls – as long as you have a wireless or mobile data connection.
But what about times when you’re out of the office, or your computer and phone are inaccessible due to power supply interruptions? You can install the Skype for Business mobile app to your mobile device (phone or tablet) then use the device as a portable version of your office phone. Using Skype for Business, you can use your computer to interact with colleagues and contacts in various ways.